Monday, November 30, 2009

Cigar Box

I just got this cigar boxes from my sis-in-law. I’m inspired to make something from these empty boxes. Maybe make a collage or painting on the cover. I’m still thinking about it. Just give me some times to work it out, and I’ll post the final artwork, as soon as I get done with the box. Be patient, please... LoL.


Ita said...

wuah ... kalo aku udah jadi tempat resep masakan tuh salah satunya... luarnya dilukis gambar buah2an + bunga pake cat akrilik .. (ngomong2, jangan nodong aku ya, lukisannya udah selesai ato belom ... soalnya lagi ngejar setoran di farming nih - alam nyata dan fv juga .. hihi)

patricekur said...

mbak...... huaaa mau dong cigar box nya... dapet dimana kah ur sis in law? hix hix

Ria said...

asiiiik......tinggal menunggu hasilnya...:) (dengan pesan sponsor musti sabar...ya khan, mba?)